Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Wednesday November 16th, 2011

Well, it has been a pretty good week.  We were prepared for a huge meltdown and fight on Monday and it didn't happen.  Small fit yesterday, we will see how today goes.  Steven is really wanting to go camping, he is talking about it non stop.  I was proud of him on Monday night.  I asked him where he worked that day and he told me Pasta Fare.  I asked him what they made and he told me blueberry muffins.  The paper from Monday came home last night and that is what they made.  It is so wonderful to finally have interactive conversations about what happens at school.  I didn't know if I would ever get that.  Brings tears to my eyes again this morning.  We are doing pretty good diet wise.  Bryan is doing better than me.  He and UJ joined a gym over at Fairview Heights and are exercising well.  Bryan bought a kettle bell for home.  I am using it a little, it is amamzing how out of shape I am.  Going to try and do a little every day though.  Well, take care and God bless.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Wednesday November 3rd, 2011

Well it has been an up and down week.  Steven has been really sick with his allergies, but doing better.  He had a decent ride over Monday, threw a huge fit on Tuesday and beat up poor UJ, and yesterday he was good.  He seems to be in good spirits this morning, so hopefully it will be another good day.  He hasn't been eating lunch this week, but that could just be the allergies.  I know a lot of other people are struggling with it right now and it isn't fun. Take care all and have a blessed day.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Monday October 31, 2011

Quite a long weekend.  Steven usually takes a nap on Saturday and Sunday, but not this weekend.  He spent the time whining at me wanting my constant attention.  He really didn't want to go to school today.  Not a big fit, but he was kicking some as they pulled out of the drive.  I know what the problem is though.  Allergies!  Mine are hitting hard as well.  You can tell in his eyes, that he is having trouble.  Unfortunately for him, not something that he can stay home for.  Hopefully, the meds will kick in soon and he will feel better.  I guess I need to try and find a liquid allergy medicine that has pain reliever in it as well.  Here to the boy feeling better.  Have a blessed day.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Wednesday October 26, 2011

Not a real happy morning.  For whatever reason, Steven is back to not wanting to go to school.  Monday and today, I have sent them off with Steven throwing a fit.  Not as big as before, but a fit none the less.  Today was worse than Monday.  I have put off doing a blog this week hoping for cheerier news.  Steven has been very happy at home, so there is that.  On way of my diet, I have done no tracking of anything at all.  I need to get back into it all.  Hopefully I can get back on track in the next couple of weeks after getting back to the doctor later this week.  To those whose morning has been harder than mine, I will keep you in prayer.  To those whose morning has been better than mine, I will tell God thank you for blessing you.  Take care and God bless.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Wednesday Oct 19th, 2011

Realized I hadn't blogged this week.  Steven has had a good week!  He has been so happy.  Bryan and I have been talking it has been probably years since we have seen him like this.  It is nice to have my boy back.  I am sure we will have more battles in the future, but together with God leading the way, we will takle it and win.  UJ decided to start bringing PS1 for Steven to play Tony Hawk on in the van.  The boy is going overload with that and the satellite back on this week.  I just have to say thank you God for being there with us through it all.  Take care and God bless.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011

Well, the morning didn't go to bad considering we just got back from camping yesterday.  He was fine up until time to close the van door.  I know he was throwing and hitting some, just not sure how long it will last.  We had a really good trip.  Steven was whining and couldn't make up his mind where he wanted to be, but no fits.  There were a few kicks, but nothing major.  He didn't even throw a huge fit on the way home yesterday.  We found some good gluten free food again at the Kroger in Pigeon Forge, so I will need to try and see if Barb can get them at Claybank.  I can't think of anything else, so have a blessed day!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Wednesday Oct 5, 2011

It's been a pretty good week.  We have been going out before UJ gets here and he is fine.  Unfortunately I found out Steven broke UJ's laptop on Friday during the fit, so I need to get that fixed.  The truck is in the shop getting the starter fixed.  It's a good thing we got our first good check from the district, it is going to be an expensive week.  I just thank God that I can afford the stuff now.  There are some people that would just be out.  Take care and have a blessed day.